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London Elections

by admin on 1 May, 2012

The proportional representation element of the Greater London Authority election is the 11 Londonwide members.  Essentially, each political party puts forward a list of candidates in a specific order, then according to the number of votes cast the 11 places are divided.  For a full description of the voting method visit about my vote.

The Liberal Democrats London Assembly list is as follows:

1. Caroline Pidgeon
2. Stephen Knight
3. Bridget Fox
4. Shas Sheehan
5. Merlene Emerson
6. Emily Gasson
7. Steve Bradley
8. Marisha Ray
9. Nick Russell
10. Ajmal Mansoor

In 2008, the Liberal Democrats won 3 Londonwide seats.  It would only take a small increase in the Liberal Democrat vote to gain a 4th seat and help stop the BNP from winning a seat as they did in 2008.  The question for anyone considering the Liberal Democrats but not sure about how to vote in Londonwide list is “Do you want Shas or the BNP?”

says Cllr Yogan Yoganathan

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