Your Local Lib Dems working to make Surbiton even better Learn more
by admin on 10 June, 2012
Following a long and hard fought campaign against the last Labour Government’s plans to strip services from Kingston Hospital Ed Davey MP and local Liberal Democrats have been successful in saving A&E and Maternity services at Kingston.
However the NHS Better Services Better Value review has now put in-patient paediatric facilities at Kingston Hospital under threat.
Rebekah Moll (shown with Kingston and Surbition MP Edward Davey), the Lib Dem candidate in the forth-coming Grove ward by-election, has stepped up the campaign and started a petition.
She says, “It is vital that we pull out all the stops to save Sunshine Ward locally – thousands of parents and families rely on this life-saving children’s facility and it must stay at Kingston.”
“I am staggered to hear that a senior Kingston Conservative Councillor believes that the loss of the children’s ward is ‘inevitable’. Once again local Tories appear to have given up without a fight and are unwilling to stand up for Kingston and the needs of local people. I hope thousands of people will sign the petition and show them we are made of sterner stuff”.
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