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Expansion at Maple Infants and St Andrews & St Marks Junior Schools

by admin on 19 July, 2014

On 1st July Kingston Councillors on the Children, Youth and Leisure committee unanimously agreed to the permanent expansion of Maple Infants and St Andrew’s & St Mark’s (SASM) Junior schools from 2 forms of entry to 3 forms.  This means from September 2015 Maple Infants will take 90 pupils into reception year and SASM will take 90 pupils into Year 3.

Then on 17th July at the Development Control committee the planning application for SASM 8 classroom block was approved.  Work on the SASM new classrooms will begin over the summer.  There is no planning application yet for extra the Maple classrooms.

We fully support the expansion of these good and popular schools.  However, I have had serious reservations about the proposed building for SASM.  Particularly that the corresponding plans for the extra Maple classrooms have not yet been submitted, so the full impact on the playground, pupils and local residents cannot be fully assessed.

I also wonder if this is the end aim of the new conservative administration?  At full Council 16th July, we learnt that Alexandra Infants and St Paul’s Junior School in North Kingston are to become 2 separate all through primary schools.  Is there a plan to do this at Maple Infants and SASM as well?  If so, can we have a consultation?

says Cllr Liz Green

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