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by lizgreen on 4 June, 2015
Collections of batteries from door steps across the borough were put under threat earlier this year by the Conservative Administration when they agreed to stop weekly recycling collections and introduce fortnightly collections. Now thanks to environmental pressure from the Liberal Democrat Group, it looks like doorstep collections of batteries will be saved.
Batteries should always be recycled and must not end up in landfill. During our Administration, we introduced free household battery recycling but the Tories decided they weren’t worth collecting anymore. Instead they wanted residents to find local drop off points in shops instead.
said Liz Green, local St Mark’s Councillor and Leader of the Liberal Democrat group
The Conservative policy to stop collecting batters was very short sighted and I am very pleased we have been able to save the battery collections. Whilst the weight of domestic batteries may have been low it is outweighed by environmental concerns. If batteries end up in landfill at the end of their life they can be extremely toxic causing damage to humans, to the environment causing soil and water pollution and can endanger wildlife too.”
added Councillor Hilary Gander, Liberal Democrat Environmental spokeperson.