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Kingston Council to close half their youth centres

by lizgreen on 21 January, 2016

Kingston Council is currently consulting on closing 4 of the current 8 youth centres across the borough.

The centres for that are likely to close are:

  1. The Devon Way Youth Centre in Chessington/Hook. It is home to five regular groups including disabled children groups. It also has a brand new sensory room (opened only a couple of months ago!) for severely disabled young people.
  2. Searchlight, in Norbiton, is the nearest youth centre to the Cambridge Road Estate.  It currently houses 4 weekly sessions including a homework club for vulnerable teenagers.
  3. Venner Centre in Worcester Park. Kingston Council has already ceased youth activities at this centre.
  4. Barnfield in North Kingston. The facilities at the site include music recording and horse riding.

The consultation states that ‘In situations where the youth club they live nearby will no longer be providing centre based activities, youth workers will still be able to provide support and a range of activities in places young people can meet safely through street work (such as in parks or high streets) or using the mobile youth bus and in local schools’.  So chatting to young people as they roam the streets, rather than in the safety of a properly staffed youth centre!

says local Councillor Yogan Yoganathan

Once they remove all youth work from these centres, the buildings will probably be declared surplus to requirements and sold to developers, continuing the Tory saga of more development, more people but less facilities. How much land will Kingston Council sell off to make money when they need it some for facilities for the people who live here?

added local Councillor Liz Green


Users of Devon Way youth centre have started a petition, that Kingston Liberal Democrats wholeheartedly support. Sign here.

To read the full details of what is proposed and respond to the consultation (closing date 10th February) click here.

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