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by lizgreen on 28 January, 2016
This afternoon, regrettably, Boris Johnson has not used his powers to help residents of Tolworth and has rubber stamped the decision by Kingston’s Conservatives for the overdevelopment of the Tolworth Tower site.
He has chosen to ignore a petition collected in just 10 days by Kingston Liberal Democrats and signed by over 1000 local residents. This afternoon at a closed meeting, the Mayor of London disregarded the wishes of the vast majority of local people and upheld the bad decision taken by Tory Councillors.
I’m dismayed at this decision; Boris Johnson clearly does not understand Tolworth. I was gobsmacked when the Conservatives on the Development Control Committee agreed to permit this massive overdevelopment.
said Lib Dem Councillor for Tolworth, Tom Davies.
I voted to reject it, as did all my Liberal Democrat colleagues, as it provided only a derisory amountof affordable housing, would add to the traffic in this area and did not meet many policy requirements. This just goes to show that if residents elect Conservatives they let you down again and again.
added Lib Dem Councillor Lorraine Rolfe