St Mark's Ward Councillors

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Choosing the style for Surbiton’s new street lights

by admin on 30 September, 2012

The streetlights in Surbiton town centre are reaching the end of their lifecycle and need to be replaced. The new ones will be more energy efficient, but the style is down to you.

Traditional or modern?

A group of Surbiton Neighbourhood Councillors have selected 3 styles – traditional, modern and something in-between – to consult with residents and we want your opinions.

The first is Albany, a traditional style.  Then Legend, a traditional style with modern elements.  Finally Hestia Tapered, a modern style.  You can see them also on this leaflet on street lighting.  Let us know your favourite  and we’ll feed it into the consultation result.


More details

If you’d like to view the proposals, hear more, ask questions then express your preference of the options, Kingston Council has arranged two public ‘drop in’ exhibitions:

  • Monday 8 October, 2pm to 4pm and 6pm to 8pm
  • Thursday 18 October, 2pm to 4pm and 6pm to 8pm

Both at YMCA, Victoria Road, Surbiton.

Please do get involved in this consultation, we want to understand what our residents would prefer and the style of our streetlights will make a difference to our town centre. 

says Cllr Mary Heathcote


2 Responses

  1. David Jacobson says:

    Personally I don’t think any of them are worthy replacements for the current lights which give the town centre its distinctive and special character. But if I HAVE to go for one it would be Option 1 — the traditional Albany.

    • St Marks Councillors says:

      Thanks for the comments. I’ll add your comments to list going to the officers at the Council so they can include them when compiling the full report.

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