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Details of Surbiton Hospital new Health Centre and Primary School

by admin on 6 May, 2011

From the planning application in March 2011:

The applications for planning permission and conservation area consent propose the demolition of the existing buildings on the site (save for the entrance lodge building) and the redevelopment of the site to provide:


A part two/part three storey healthcare building (use class D1) comprising around 4,200 sqm of space laid out around a central courtyard and providing new premises for up to 8 GP practices, outpatients, urgent care (minor injuries) diagnostics (blood tests, ultrasound, ECG, X-rays), community services and therapies, minor procedures and community pharmacy, a stores building, additional substation and switch room with primary access from Ewell Road and secondary access from South Bank Terrace, with 82 car parking spaces along with associated cycle parking and landscaping.

The proposed healthcare building would have a broadly square footprint with rough dimensions of 55m by 45m, with a central square shaped landscaped courtyard area with rough dimensions of 17.5m by 17.5m. The part two storey element of the building would stand 9.1m above ground level (not including the plant room which extends another 1.45m) whilst the three storey element would stand 13.2m above ground level (not including the raised plant room). The proposed building would be composed of London stock brickwork with pre-mixed coloured mortar to the ground floor, with a grey single ply roofing membrane installed on the flat roofs and powder coated double-glazed aluminium windows and doors.

Primary School:

A two form entry primary school (use class D1) is also proposed. The proposed school is largely two storeys with a third floor plant room and activity space on the roof. It provides 60 school places per year with an overall capacity of 420 pupils, a 26 place nursery and additional provision for special needs (15 places). It is intended that the new building would be completed by September 2012 and the school would be fully operational on the site from this date for Reception and Year 1 pupils only, reaching capacity for all years by 2017.

Six car parking spaces are proposed to the north of the proposed building (2 disabled spaces and 6 staff parking spaces). Controlled vehicular access to servicing and parking provision would be via South Bank Terrace. Pedestrian access to the school would be via footpaths from Oak Hill, Ewell Road and South Bank Terrace and includes a shared cycle/pedestrian route along the southern boundary of the site, connecting the Ewell Road and Oak Hill entrances to the site. The main vehicular access from Ewell Road provides parking for the Healthcare building only.

The proposed primary school would have a more irregular v-shaped footprint with a maximum overall length of 65m and a depth of a maximum of 28m. The proposed school would have a flat roof which would stand 10.4m above ground level at its highest point. It would be composed of yellow-brown London stock brickwork on the ground floor with white sandcement render to the upper areas of these external walls, with powder coated aluminium doors and windows. The building would also be characterised by several ground floor polycarbonate canopies. There would also be a number of parapet walls erected on the roof (no higher than 2m) around the proposed external teaching, play area and habitat areas along with some glass balustrading and handrails for health and safety reasons.

Additional Development:

A large storage building is also proposed to the east of the proposed healthcare building along the shared boundary with Mellish Court. This would extend approximately 19m along this boundary, with a width of 7m and would have a flat roof with a maximum height of 3.2m. Additionally, a number of smaller single storey buildings are also proposed on site, including a new car park control kiosk just to the west of the site, a new brick substation which would be erected adjacent to the existing substation building on land which currently serves 84 Ewell Road, and a new enclosed refuse/recycling structure to the North of the proposed healthcare building. None of these buildings would exceed 3.8m in height.

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