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Kingston Police: Burglary Pack

by admin on 21 May, 2012

Kingston Police are cracking down on burglary. It can be financially costly and emotionally devastating for victims and their families.

Most burglaries tend to be opportunistic rather than planned. So if your home does not look secure, seems unlived in, or provides unobserved access, it could be at risk. Understanding what burglars look for when choosing their target will help you identify weak spots in your home’s security.

Kingston Police’s 10 Top Tips:

  1. Mark or etch your valuable property with your postcode, house or flat number or the first three letters of your house name.
  2. Register items with a serial number at:
  3. Do not leave your car keys or ID documents near doors, letterbox or windows.
  4. You do not have to open your door to cold callers or people you’re not expecting. If in doubt keep them out!  
  5. Close and lock all your doors and windows, even if you are only going out for a few minutes. Consider fitting additional locks to your doors and windows which are readily available from many retailers.
  6. Keep your valuables out of sight.
  7. Leave some lights on if it will be dark before you get home.
  8. Install a visible burglar alarm.
  9. Always keep sheds and outbuildings locked.
  10. Cancel milk or other deliveries if you will be away for days or weeks at a time.

Please contact your local ‘Safer Neighbourhood Team’ for a free crime prevention visit.

If you see anything suspicious please ring 999. If you see anything that makes you look twice, it is suspicious, ring 999. If you see strangers near your neighbours back garden, path or drive way, it is suspicious, ring 999. Thank you for your help.

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